Getting Ready for 5G


Current Status of 5G The adoption of 5G is happening much faster than previous cellular network transitions. In the early years of 4G globally (2010-2011), only 4 carriers and 4 devices supported the standard. 5G is at its nascent phase. Yet, over 30 5G-smartphones have already been scheduled [...]

Getting Ready for 5G2019-11-27T10:20:43+00:00

Cloud-Based Digital Signage Solution


Pepsign Cloud Service is Peplink’s innovative cloud-based digital signage solution, which is especially designed for you to take the lead to build and manage your own advertising or informative materials displayed on screens anytime and anywhere, through any modern browser. You can easily create and [...]

Cloud-Based Digital Signage Solution2019-11-07T16:51:16+00:00

Mitigate the risk of lost retail revenue


Mitigate the risk of lost revenue and damaged reputation by easily adding more backhaul to your stores. Peplink BR1 Range ( can be used for primary or backup LTE/4G connectivity and the patented SpeedFusion technology can even handle an outage half way through an ePOS transaction! The BR1 can be [...]

Mitigate the risk of lost retail revenue2019-11-07T16:51:17+00:00

Jargon Buster


BR Series - The BR stands for Business Ready. These products are our entry-level cellular SD-WAN products. Our entry-level products have hardware quality and specs that often beat other vendors highest end products. The BR series includes all kinds of features needed to deliver unique solutions for many MSP business [...]

Jargon Buster2019-11-07T16:51:19+00:00
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